Cool - but needs better balancing
Nice engine, smooth game play. Difficutly needs some tuning though. I don't really feel like I was doing any REAL damage to enemies, even at the start of the game where tradionally enemies would be weaker and as levels progress the enemies get stronger - with some cooler weapons of course.
Needs some balancing though, suggestions:
- melee weapon as a last backup should do more a bit more damage
- a better HUD would be good, you are going through weapons so fast I think the bullet count could be highlighted better, maybe a graphical way, like a magazine emptyingon the side of the screen
- the levels are tight for so many enemies, love the double jumping, but could do with some more screen real estate, or more space to work in
- a melee attack with the held weapon would help, a lot of the time you have enemies in your face, your are shooting point blank and doing no extra damage, so a melee with weapon would be cool